A month ago, I took her to a skin specialist and she was prescribed some protopic ointment and antibiotics. I am so glad your eczema is better, it is a pain isn't it? https://ggenereuxblog.wordpress.com/2015/02/12/eca... Nell Rose (author) from England on February 14, 2015: That's great Rita! Thank you for the info. Eucerin Philippines is one of the country’s most trusted beauty care product brand, offering a wide variety of skin care treatments and systems for all skin types. It's not greasy or oily, it's mostly water with skin improving ingredients. Never had this problem before AZ but when I was in HI I had many virulent skin infections from the untreated sewage water surrounding 'Oahu. Tremotyx™ Stem Cell Technology is a revolutionary eczema correction process. She is also fascinated by strange medical anomalies. I was prescribed Eumovate ointment (a steroid) when it's bad, and Cetomacrogol Cream for general use, and to use as a soap as well. Nell Rose (author) from England on March 01, 2012: Hi, Wanderer, yes I think I have heard of that before, I will give it a try, thanks! I have a friend w/eczema that I'm going to send this to. I was told to rub it into the rash twice daily for a week, and then repeat it for another week if it hadn't worked. Nell Rose (author) from England on February 13, 2014: Thanks Barbara, yes its all sorts of things that can start it off, and I do believe you are right, mine started back in the summer and it must be sweat however much we try to keep washing it does cause the problem in the first place, I also noticed that using eczema cream all the time can make it worse! If they got too dry I would add a little moisturizer at night, simple as that. Who would have thought? Your doctor should review your skin care routine. inevitablesecrets from California on February 24, 2012: Thanks so much for all of your info. Having a gluten free diet for a bit might help? Using emollients such as special bath oils and moisturisers. They sell thin linen or cotton gloves to wear after applying cream in severe cases to trap the cream in and help heal. http://nationaleczema.org/alternative-treatments/, Hi Grant, that's fine, I will be come over for a read, thanks, nell. lily. In a study published in the British Journal of Dermatology, patients with eczema were given … Just one small amendment to your comment about Doctors- not everyone only gets two weeks of training in dermatology and many Doctors don't stop learning new subjects when they are practising. As eczema is still bothering me in patches, which drives me insane! I've seen hundreds of others in my same boat who used steroid creams like over -the-counter hydrocortisone who also got addicted to it in a short time of 3 months off and on use. Here’s how it works: When your body metabolizes food it leaves a residue. thanks for reading and commenting, nell. In fact, I have gotten great results with its use on my dry eczema skin. Eczema is an acute or chronic, noncontagious, itchy, inflammatory disease of the skin. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. Required fields are marked *. Nearly eight months later, I still have a large patch of eczema on my left leg. I know it has helped some people I know. Make sure you moisturise your skin. HydraNure Natural Organic Eczema Cream & Treatment for Babies & Adults 100ml-Cools Soothes 9.4 8.9 9.5 3: Eucerin Eczema Relief Flare-Up Treatment 2 Ounce 9.3 8.8 9.4 4: I would hate to see anyone go through this awful withdrawal and most think it may be eczema after years of use but find out it was steroid induced eczema after quitting and seeing the tell-tale red hot burn that usually comes with cessation of it. Protopic and Elidel also come with black box warnings of it being a potential risk for cancer. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC42286... Shower in cool water at least twice a day, and while the legs are still damp, rub the medicated or Vaseline cream on top of the eczema. My blood vessels were addicted and caused serious red hot skin for a while and then many more withdrawal symptoms for 27 months. For some reason, it affected my legs last summer. In fact, people with severe cases can benefit from ultraviolet ray treatments. It requires a series of … No harsh chemicals or soap. Compare all the dermatologists and contact the dermatitis treatment clinic in Manila that's right for you. It's common in children but can occur at any age. Gordon Hamilton from Wishaw, Lanarkshire, United Kingdom on April 16, 2012: I eventually had to go and see the doctor a couple of weeks ago. Steroid-induced disease or iatrogenic disease have noticeable differences from original eczema, especially if there is a break in using the creams for any amount of time. Mohan Kumar from UK on February 24, 2012: Really informative hub Nell. catalystsnstars from Land of Nod on March 15, 2012: My daughter also has eczema, we use all organic products for her skin with no irritants or fragrance. “Eczema is a group of conditions that causes inflamed, irritated, and itchy skin,” says Nazanin Saedi, MD, director of the Jefferson Laser Surgery and Cosmetic Dermatology Center in Philadelphia. My friend, you describe this very well and I learn much from you. But treatments and self-care measures can relieve itching and prevent new outbreaks. Nell Rose (author) from England on February 25, 2012: Hi, inevitable, it certainly sounds like eczema, good luck with the tips, I hope it clears up for you, thanks nell, Hi, Docmo, thanks for reading, eczema is such an awkward thing to deal with, one cream works, the other doesn't, and yes psoriasis could well be part of the problem. I like foderma serum because it's natural, no steroids or cortisones. hope this continue to heal. Your email address will not be published. Nell Rose (author) from England on March 30, 2015: Thanks jseven, its a good idea, purely because its only since I started using steroid cream have I suddenly found out I have cataracts! The second I applied it to my eczema, it soothed it. I had not a blemish afterwards - until December 2011... A couple of months ago, I started the exact same symptoms. My story is on Hub with detailed pictures. Last but not least, I also take an antihistamine tablet. Sunlight can be a salve for eczema. There should have been a charge there and I can't imagine why the Queen did not insist on that then, they could have cost her her life, who really knows? Some people are lucky enough to only get eczema in the summer months. Eczema symptoms and effective therapies vary. Long story short, I stopped using the cortisone creams and all hell eventually broke out with my skin. Nell Rose (author) from England on February 24, 2012: Thanks Suzie, its not something I get a lot, but this time its being a real pain! I suffered for years with a huge, never healing patch on my skin. Thank you for sharing your experience with eczema. I have slathered myself in cocoa butter and this year I am trying Nivea. lol! I am a fellow eczema sufferer from Canada. Nell Rose (author) from England on August 03, 2012: Hi Maria, I haven't heard of the actual make called Cortizan, but it does sound like my basic cortisone cream which is a form of steriod, my doctor told me not to use too much over a long period of time as it is a steriod, over the counter creams will be slightly less potent, so you should be fine using it. thanks! Thanks for writing this well-informed hub! As it is, I have to be careful not to use products that contain fragrance or chemical substances. They don't need to be applied for long periods but can be weaned off once inflammation subsides but always continue moisturising to prevent eczema from reappearing. When I bathed, I just irritated my symptoms more. I have started to eat wheat again and noticed new breakouts here and there. This was not the case. Cool baths and moisturizer are recommended. But sometimes eczema remains bothersome despite these measures. I have patches on my face and neck on and off. I am glad your daughter is getting better, and I hope she finds this useful, thanks so much, nell. thanks again, nell, I asked one drugstore here in my country if Steroid cream is available, it is indeed available but they don't sell without prescription from the doctor...I guess I will need to find a way. Nell Rose (author) from England on September 19, 2012: Hi Jackie, yes that's it isn't it? medium and strong) depending on the severity of the eczema and the inflammation they really help if appropriate grade is chosen. thanks! However, I'm going to pass her this hub and let her read your tips in order to prevent it, if not to completely stop it. And even Dry Ice at -100 degrees to freezer burn the top layer off by myself at home. Vaseline, or any other paraffin-based product is best. Also have you tried diet- it is not that well known that Gluten found in wheat can cause a skin disease that is similar to exzema. Dont have time for an actual bath? Nappy rash cream is perfect because it is a barrier cream. Use compress directly on the eczema for 30 minutes. Now she breaks our occasionally and if her skin gets too dry she will scratch but fortunately, her patches have stopped growing and her breakouts are less frequent. You can try to stop it in its tracks by doing the following: My eczema cleared up for a long time, but recently, it came back in full force. I'm glad that you finally found some things that work. It drives me insane, but usually, a bit of cortisone cream or antiseptic spray will knock it on its head. Alternative Herbal Medicine – List of herbal treatments for illnesses and application of common medicinal plants in Philippines for treatments of common ailments. A natural eczema treatment can be found in the use of virgin coconut oil. Nell Rose (author) from England on November 29, 2012: Hi Sarah, that's a great idea! Yippee. Nell Rose (author) from England on January 02, 2013: Thank you so much ajayshah, glad you liked it, nell. Nell Rose (author) from England on April 09, 2014: Thanks ptosis, I never knew that about 'The Sewers' Wow! It comes and goes and I don't know what works if anything. Add 2 gallons of hot water. Last year I tried vinegar to counteract the hard water and it did not work. I'll share with others. If there is an infection, then antibiotics will be prescribed. Treatment options Your dermatologist may prescribe a combination of topical treatments for your eczema called emollients which vary based on their ingredients and lipid content: Lotions – contains the most water which replenishes and hydrates. I started to use it on my scalp and also on my back (where my eczema was the worst) it started to clear up within a week. Nell Rose (author) from England on December 27, 2016: I used foderma serum along with the wash and spray and my daughters skin cleared up in just a few days. If you get eczema type lesions on the bony prominences -elbow, knees etc it is worth considering alternate diagnosis as some eczemas and mild forms of psoriasis overlap. Joey from Michigan on September 09, 2013: Thank you for trying to help people with this debilitating disease that I had since I was a baby. I too slather myself. I really can't blame Kate, thinking they are all alone, just lucky it wasn't much more and sure hope it causes no ripples between these two. Choose from 8 Dermatitis Treatment Clinics in Manila with 2 verified patient reviews ★ find the best one for you. I had no idea antibiotics worked for it but with the red I guess so! Understanding pH for Skin Care. It is a very common condition and can be triggered by a number of things. I have my little son ( 4 months) with eczema also , he get to itchy also and the skin is to dry and red , I hope some day have something good to help people with eczema :s. Nell Rose (author) from England on September 09, 2013: Thanks jseven for your detailed explanation of how the hydrocortisone drugs and cream will make it worse, I am so sorry you had to go through this, and thanks. hope she will. I will try the nappy rash cream because I haven't thought of that or heard of it as a remedy. Thanks for the tips! Eczema Natural Cure Using Herbal Decoctions. You’ll also want a good moisturizer in cream, lotion, or ointment form. So, good luck with this, and let me know in the comments section below if it works for you! I hope you're healed soon! I would like to share this theory and ask for feedback from others regarding it. it can make it worse, get something to keep you regular and it totally helps too! I really just stopped by to gossip, so you can see why I get nothing done, lol. All of my old techniques helped a bit, but then I hit the jackpot! just really moisturising is working but it does need a boost on my legs, thank you! Soap and moisturizer. Thanks so much Sue, glad you liked it, cheers nell, Hi, pras, thank you so much, it can be so painful, but eczema is not that easy to treat, as it just keeps irritating the skin, appreciated the rate, and thanks as always, nell. The patch of dry itchy skin is getting smaller and itching less. But others find that sunlight is a trigger. I am so happy for you that your eczema was cleaned up. At first I thought it was too much OFF! Although most of us are familiar with the term pH, not many really understand its full significance. lol! Strong steroids and oral antihistamines may be needed to treat allergic contact dermatitis. I was just diagnosed with eczema and the top of my scalp near my forehead was getting dry and flaky patches. Will let you know later in the season. The word dermatitis actually means irritation of the skin, and trust me, the incessant itching can drive you insane! Nell Rose (author) from England on March 15, 2012: Hi, catalystsnstars, thanks for the added info, I do try and keep it perfume free, and other chemicals around the house, I must admit that I have never had eczema on my legs before, but now the Doctor has given me steroid cream, I am only using it a little though, but it seems to be working, but running cold water on it does seem to sooth the skin, thanks for reading, cheers nell. If it doesn't heal then you will have to get a stronger cream from the doc which is the same cream but with the extra steroid in it, sorry if I didn't make myself clear, hope that helps, nell. good luck with the eczema, mine has nearly all gone now, thank goodness, it does happen occasionally but not so much, glad to be of help, nell. thanks again, glad its okay now, nell. The problem is that topical steroid cream is a potent drug that can unknowingly cause addiction to it which I did not find out until age 55. I was kept in for intensive treatment for eleven days, ointmented and bandaged four times a day. Based on consumer reviews, Silvercell Antibacterial Ointment Cream is the best eczema treatment available on the market today. Good information here, thanks. BTW, you know it's bad in Hawaii when the surfer's name for a certain break is called, "The Sewers"! Hope you have also got your issue with this irritating condition sorted! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC42286... Hi Laura, I found a much better solution! Eczema can be an unpredictable disease, and there is much still to learn about it. Always make sure that your house has good air flow. Thanks Maria, that's great, I thought perhaps you would be able to buy it somewhere, glad you sorted it out, and thanks for coming back, nell, an update I went to another drugstore and asked for an steroid ointment, I was surprised I was given a Cortizan. Eczema, also referred to as dermatitis, is a relatively common skin condition impacting approximately one in ten Americans at some point in their lifetime. Nell Rose (author) from England on August 02, 2012: Hi Maria, that's a shame, maybe getting a prescription is the best way as the doctor can tell you the best one to get, thanks for reading, cheers nell, Hi Green Bard, thanks for reading, the cream is good for the initial outbreak of eczema, but cortisone cream really is the one that should be used its fantastic! I broke out in red, itchy pimples all over my chest and stomach which stumped my doctors. Gordon Hamilton from Wishaw, Lanarkshire, United Kingdom on February 23, 2012: This is a wonderful Hub and very useful for me as I have a sort of unusual history of eczema. The cream will soothe irritated skin and give it a blast of moisture to help prevent dryness. Lillian K. Staats from Wasilla, Alaska on February 23, 2012: I have a client w/ cradle cap and ezcema, and this is really useful, as always, love ya Nell, prayers your way! Use a mild soap or soap substitute that won't dry your skin. Year 1:blamed on Off! Would you mind to let me know what gently moisturizer did you apply on top of Sudocrem? It’s been said that eczema is the “itch that rashes” — first you itch, then you scratch, and the next thing you know, you’ve got a red, weepy rash. We also do not use any synthetic chemicals in the house for personal and environmental reasons. S… Hope your daughters eczema is okay now, mine is fine at the moment fingers crossed! Between them they seem to stop the itching, but it keeps re-ocurring very mildly. http://www.onlinedermclinic.comIn this tutorial, Chris Schach M.D., discusses etiology, prevention, and treatment of this common skin problem. Aqueous cream, a commonly prescribed treatment for eczema. God bless the NHS - it worked! It must be a wheat allergy!! She also gave me Cetirizine Hydrochloride (antihistamine) tablets to reduce the itching. Eczema Returns on 13 Yr Old Boy, Eczema Cured Again with 2014 Eczema Cure Protocol; My Boy Now 12 is Eczema Cured – is on Paleo Diet – found to have an Authentic Rice Allergy; Psoriasis Treatment Improvement with Raw Garlic Everyday; Child Eczema Cure: Intestine Crisis II … Boil 3 cups of chopped leaves in one gallon of water for 10 minutes. :(:(:( I am really really sad about the whole thing and the only thing left for me to do is move where it is rainy all the time - like Washington or Oregon coast. Drugs used to treat Eczema. I didn't notice at first, and it just seemed to be slightly itchy and red. Nell Rose (author) from England on December 06, 2017: Thanks Frank, its been updated a bit since then, what with all the trying out and failing, then trying and working! I should try your cool shower idea. thanks for reading, cheers nell. So far, so good. Steroids can be applied in severe cases. Look at http://itsan.org/ to see the stories and resources about topical steroid addiction which can be prevented by using non-steroid products. Linda Crampton from British Columbia, Canada on February 27, 2012: This is a very useful hub for someone suffering from eczema, Nell. This is most often conveniently performed by placing the affected body part in front of a fan after the compress. as in biblical times. It didn't really work, so I changed soaps, shower gels, and everything else, including washing my legs with hot water, and then cold. Ben Steele CC BY-SA 3.0 Your doctor can ensure you are doing everything possible to prevent symptoms. Take cool baths or showers. I wonder if I can buy this steroid cream in the Philippiens? It was so scabby, then itchy, so ugly. I have a supply of all three left should it recur in the near future. and I am so glad you are going down the healthy route, anything that helps is wonderful, good luck with it and thanks for reading, nell. Treatment for severe eczema may include at-home treatments plus prescription medications to … I would also look into creams with tea tree oil and oregano oil. Its also gentle enough to use on children if need be. I underwent allergy testing, with patches containing test substances taped to my back a week at a time to test for a reaction - inconclusive. So far I'm following a healthier diet and have done dry skin brushing, which has improved my skin in less than a month. It just doesn't want to go away. The whole episode went on for two or three years and I was using some pretty strong steroid creams, which wasted I don't know how many items of clothing by staining them beyond repair. I didn't know about taking cooler showers as I am a huge fan of of showers especially in the winter, but this would explain why my daughter hates warm water on her skin. I didn't know where there is Asthma, there is Eczema.This is definitely a Hub to bookmark for future Ref. Try applying "Aveeno with oatmeal" after a bath or shower. Jseven is right. As you rightly say, if it happens in you hand - fingers, nail beds and folds between fingers it is usually a type called Contact dermatitis and could be due to washing up liquid and other detergents. One night in 1996, I had to go to casualty as the skin on my legs and arms was actually bursting when I moved. I did not like anything on my face and eventually did not use anything on most of my body except my legs. The sun makes me sweat and that it what seems to cause mine. They have me aqueous cream it destroyed my skin completely , never ever take it from your doctors. I got so fed up with it that I got the doc to give me dermovate, a stronger cortisone cream, and then buy some see through plastic cooking wrap that you use to cover cold food, wrap around your legs/arms for an hour a day. Purple, dark pigmentation often on the legs. Nell Rose (author) from England on December 05, 2015: Yes, many of the ITSAN forum members going through topical steroid withdrawal, which they often think is eczema but find out it's actually "steroid-induced eczema", like nothing on their skin while it is healing. Treatment and Management Tips Eczema cannot be cured, but symptoms can be controlled with moisturizers, self-care measures and medications. This will seal in the moisture. I am still in withdrawal after 36 months of no steroid creams and trying to regain my life again. It definitely is an amazing product. Nell Rose (author) from England on November 30, 2015: To be honest jseven, I discovered after all of this that not using anything was the best way to go! The good news is that you can buy it over-the-counter. Having an eczema flare out of the blue is common and can happen despite your best efforts. I'm going to try your idea about the bath and moisture blocking cream as the past couple of days my legs have been really bad. Your email address will not be published. Other treatments include topical pimecrolimus or tacrolimus for eczema in sensitive sites not responding to simpler treatment, antihistamines for severe itching, bandages or special body suits to allow the body to heal underneath, or more powerful treatments offered by a … Thanks for sharing. Then we had a heatwave, and night after night, my eczema became inflamed and spread. My son suffers from eczema too so I will share your tips. nice to see you, nell. I can't believe it, but it is really working. I presumed it was getting irritated because of the heat and that it would go away when the weather got colder. Less than a week later, all was clear. I would just wash my legs every day, patted them dry and left them. Nell Rose (author) from England on February 27, 2012: Hi, b. Malin, thanks so much, I suppose not everyone who gets asthma will get eczema, but I believe lots of us do, it can be a pain, especially in the summer, its just this time it really is being annoying, hopefully I will get it sorted out when I see the Doctor, thanks as always, nell, Hi, Minnetonka, that's great news! Nell is a trained psychologist who writes about personal health problems. It is characterized by irregular and varying combinations of edematous papular scaling and thickened lesions. I also cover the affected area with stretch bandages. Curel Hydra Therapy. lol! I used the 1 percent cortisone cream and it wasn't very helpful, but after seeing the doctor he gave me a much stronger cream. Shared with followers. After years of suffering, it was something I just got used to and moisturized. Never had it until moved to AZ. When it gets warmer, it is advised to get out and about with bare legs. It worked well and her skin has healed and no more itch. typical of my town, so expensive! I have a theory about the real root cause of Eczema. For all treatments, be sure to consult with your healthcare provider to weigh the benefits vs. the … Nell Rose (author) from England on November 01, 2016: Foderma serum works very well on my daughter eczema. It sounds very unpleasant! Hi, Gordon, what a nightmare! Of course, once you stop use the rash comes right back. Apply as poultice to affected area after the, Apply as poultice to affected area after hot foot bath or. I have luckily never used that Aqueous cream you mentioned. Unfortunately, sunlight is not always an option when it is winter. It is gentle on the skin and is dermatologist tested. It looked like dandruff and it was super embarrassing. as you said, god bless the good old national health! I have tried cortisone cream, moisturizer, antiseptics, and just about everything else. Very, very Informative Hub Nell. 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